I found a lot of poetry. I'll post some of the poems I found below. These are translations, but I'll try to keep the rythm and the feeling intact.
I want to love
by you
with you
I want to feel
by you
with you
Here I want to forget
Won't you forget with me?
So still
is all around you
Stillness resting in you
So still
in your resting
the time with you
So still
so still
stillness sweeps
into me
Can you hear me
whispering your name?
Can you hear me
crying out my longing?
For you
Can you feel me
shaking from my yearning?
Can you feel me,
the strength of my needing?
You by my side
Can you hear me?
Crying out my anger
For the robbery of you
being taken away from me
ahead of your time
Can you hear me?
I thought I heard
Well - all in all it was an exhilarating experience to find all that, finding the old me.
A picture is needed here, to didvide the long text :)
(So does it really matter,
what kind of picture it is?
The cat's cute, and it has
a pleeding look to it:)
I have an interesting movie for you. I just watched it. The movie was not the normal "kill time with movie and popcorn" kind of movie, it was definitely something outside the nornal box shape. The movie was called Little Children. Have a look at that website, you will see a piece of it.
The interesting thing with the movie is that inside a not so very interesting plot there are pieces of small things happening, things that refer to people's hopes, dreams, fears and so on. Those are what makes the movie in itself interesting. Is it good? It's watchable. It's sad in many ways, funny in many other ways.
I have another movie I'm really keen on watching. Directed by my all time favourite, Roberto Benigni whose "La vita è bella" for me was an life altering experience. Particularly because of its extraordinary soundtrack (almost compareable with the soundtrack of "Il Postino" (here with an excellent translation in English of (Puedo escribir los versos más tristes esta noche. Follow that link, it is pure beauty of poetry, pure beauty of life, nonetheless pure sadness.) - Now don't get me started on Neruda, that is a discourse I will not be able to stop:).
Now I'm about to see Benigni's The Tiger and the Snow (La tigre e la neve) (see trailer), and I must say, Non sto nella pelle - I cannot wait.
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