Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Update on my friend the hedgehog

So I met my friend the hedgehog again. This time I was, again, in company of my cat, who never wants to miss out on an adventure. 

She sat steadily next to me in silence. 
"When he comes closer, don't make any sudden moves" I told her. "And stay quiet. He's so little he might be scared off." 
My cat looked at me with her wise eyes. I never get over the feeling of that there's so much more to her than the animal. Like the wisest person inside a body of a cat. Anyhow.
The hedgehog felt brave this evening. He came running - yes, running! - towards us. I talked to him gently. 
"How are you, little one? You are in such a hurry!" He ran and ran and stopped just half a meter in front of me. 
"MEOW" said my cat. Loud and clear. Off went the hedgehog.
"What was that?" I asked her. 
"He got scared. See, he doesn't know you yet so he might be a bit frightened."
I looked away from the cat and looked for the hedgehog. There he was again, running again, coming towards us. My cat got bored. Her eyes said "Been there, done that. He won't get over it." 
But she was wrong. My little spiky friend came closer again. My knees hurt, so I had to stand up. He got scared, turned around and ran a meter in the other direction. Then he got enough of courage to again try to come closer. This time he didn't stop before he was just by my feet.
"Raf, raf" he said and lifted his nose up in the air.
I noticed that hedgehogs' eyes don't sparkle at all.
"What did you say, little friend?". I didn't know that hedgehogs spoke. To humans.
"Raf, raf."
He repeated his statement and looked at me again with black eyes, and continued his run. 
I wonder what that was supposed to mean.

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