Summer is on its way - I can feel it! It's not in the temperature - last night it must have dropped below zero - but in the light! Welcome long days! There is something magical about noticing the days getting longer - and it always happens suddenly, like it'd be impossible to forecast.
Yesterday evening I saw the sun go down at about half past eight. When I woke up this morning it was there again, spreading its light from a clear sky.
I am ready. I am ready for all the optimism of spring, the feeling of summer that nothing is impossible. I can already taste it in my mouth, feel the wind in my nostrils, the warmth of the sun on my skin.
As always a blue sky makes me dream. By far the cheapest way to travel.
There is no easy way
Dear Romeo, my deepest love
You are an ocean to me. An ocean filled with all the love in my heart, all
the chambers of my soul, all of my thoughts, all of ...
16 years ago
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