Friday, June 19, 2009

When light stays

It is a mistake to try to look too far ahead. The chain of destiny can only be grasped one link at a time.
Winston Churchill

That is a good quote, I'd say. Churchill had a lot of good thoughts about life and politics - I like them. One good thought a day is enough to keep us on track, I'd say. That's why I have one of the wisest men ever on the right-hand side. I think we often forget to reflect.

Anyhow. Besides a good quote, I'd like to celebrate this birthday of a special person with a special topic: Light. Tomorrow (well, actually today to be precise) is the longest day of the year over here, when it comes to light. I look outside and it is still light - or should I say again. It's two o'clock in the morning. The sun just dips into the ocean and probably thinks the water is cold, because it comes right back again. And before you ever saw the sun set, it rises again. That is the beauty of summer, and that will forever remind me of good days, long nights, big feelings.

Two pictures of light. The light reflecting on the street below from my window, and the moon. There is something magic about two in the morning. Some people might think otherwise, but I think this is a good time to make decisions, to connect to oneself as well as the world around us. One must be connecting to something bigger when surrounded by the beautiful blue of two in the morning. Two am. An hour of complete peace.

Happy birthday, Taurus!


Frank said...

You are absolutely right! 2am IS the best time for decisions. It's JUST enough out of the regular stream of the day, but not too late. It's a lot like dusk. Somewhere in the middle, magical, a place all its own. If I'm still awake at 2am, that's unusual enough that something's on my mind. It's a quiet time. Yes, it's a time for a bigger connection. Thanks!

Mika said...

Thanks Woody! Nice to see that it's not just me being moonstruck :)

Nicely put, "a place all its own". That is just what it is.