Thursday, September 27, 2007

What's happening in Pernambuco

Let's talk about music. Almost a year ago I visited Brazil for the first time - definitely not the last. I spent seven lovely days in Porto de Galinhas, a small town in Pernambuco, in the North East. While there my thoughts were on the local music, as I love exploring music, artists and bands. Most of the live music I came in touch with was the rythms played to the Capoeira.

Four months later I'm buying music in London. And I find the CD "What's happening in Pernambuco". Of course I'm buying it. And it's excellent. It takes me back in a split second to the salty waves of Brazil. I can almost hear "Rema, rema" [hema] for paddle, paddle - as I lay on the "prancha" (board) waiting for a chance to conquer the sea.

The music of Pernambuco is special, not like an every day walk along the water line. It's a total hybrid - a mixture of traditional rythms and punk, rock, rap - and particularly electric sounds. And that mixture is what makes it incredibly credible. I suggest you to try it. Start with What's happening in Pernambuco.

And I must admit, I would love to return to Pernambuco. This time I'd take a few days to explore the live music scene in Recife.

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