Wednesday, October 27, 2010

It surely cannot be about winning Trivial Pursuit

I have started seeing things clearly again. I feel I again have entered some kind of state that allows me to see what's behind the corner. I like it, it feels good. At the same time it's disturbing. What am I supposed to do with that skill?

It has started again like it often does. I suddenly see things in front of me, even though they are about to happen. Or I see what's written on the next page before turning it. It does come quite handy, it allows me to win Trivial Pursuit. However. That cannot be the reason behind it.

I guess many of us would like to be able to say, this is what I'm supposed to do with my life, this is the skill set I was given and that is the reason for it. But it oftentimes is not that simple. I'd like to believe that it is enough to do one's best, to be a good fellow human-being, a good friend, a mother, a father, a sister or brother. A kind neighbor, a friendly co-worker. But the thought leaves me feeling a bit empty. What about these skills that turn up every now and then? It surely cannot be about winning Trivial Pursuit.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Only by closing our eyes

Isn't it strange
How pieces fall into their place
When everything else is falling
You feel safe
(I never knew I wanted that)
as I wrap myself around you
warming you
as much as myself.
Isn't it strange
How things suddenly feel so right?
(I dreamed of you last night)
You make me believe
that we often get what we need
Instead of what we thought we wanted.
I never knew about wanting you
And that is the point, I believe.
Sometimes we are better off
just by letting life take its course.
Only by closing our eyes
life will teach us how to see.