Sunday, July 5, 2009

Tortellini in Piazza Santo Spirito

My favourite dish at the most beautiful location.

The hour was late and the day of arrival had been a hot one. The location was close to the apartment and close also to one of my all-time favourite spots; Giardino di Boboli.

There is a magic to Florence that I probably never will grasp. It entered my heart 10 years ago and now I can't escape it - neither would I like to.

So back to the location. Piazza Santo Spirito. Beautiful. I remember the scent in the air. A scent of night. A scent of home. The course was served. It was a piatto of Tortellini alle uova di pesce, A wonderful plate of tortellini with roe in a white sauce. A piece of heaven on a plate. After that I have had the chance to be served a great amount of dishes, one more extravagant than the other, but without really finding a match. I admit, the location had much to do with it, but still...

And what was it that took my heart and soul back to la bella Firenze this early evening? Well, today I set myself a goal. I decided to get myself an apartment in Florence at some point, let's say within 10 years. And checking the prices it doesn't seem to be a mission impossible. Would that be a treat or what! From me to myself, with love.

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