Sunday, November 29, 2009

Your life must be all good

"I need to tell you."
The man had returned to me after already taking a few steps in the opposite direction.
I looked at him. He had a smile that reached his eyes. I like that kind of smiles. Some people only smile with their mouth. He smiled with his whole being.
"You are a person that makes people really happy, just by being there." He was still smiling. I was a bit confused.
"Maybe it's just you that I have that effect on." I stumbled in my words as I tried to laugh the matter off.
"No, it's not just me. Your life must really be all good for you to be that way." He had no idea of how wrong he was. My life certainly was not all good. Not bad - but not all good either.
"I feel I won the game just because I'd seen your smile before I started." He was waving his tennis racket in the air.
"Now don't go have an accident with your bicycle."
I mumbled something of an answer. The words came out in the wrong order. He now must think I'm foreign.
As I bicycled home, all I could see was that smile of his - always making me feel so happy.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Managing our micro-universe

Almost a week ago I had the possibility to listen to this country's President speak. It is a person who is very down to earth, has a great humour, and
best of all, is humane. Humanity is something we'd need at the front line of many countries in this world, I'd say. The President said something like "We only have one life. We need to live it as we like to, we should not feel obliged to sell all of our time to an employer. There is more to life than work." The President was speaking of the importance of family.

In my mind, a thought started to shape. We all live our own lives and it is up to us to do our best in doing so. We can worry, complain and talk about the world around us, as if it was something we are no part of. It feels cold and wrong and too big to be changed by ourselves.

Well, we all know that a great forest can start from one little seed. Also an ocean has its first drop of water. Humanity is inside of us. A change for the better is inside of us. We are like micro-universes inside this macro-universe of ours. We can make great change starting from within. All we need is the ability to believe. Not even so much in the possibility to achieve greater change, but in the good that will come out of the change within ourselves.

We are the waves in that ocean. It won't move if we don't.

Monday, November 23, 2009

It's all about music

So finally I get to the point: music.

I enjoy a lot of different kinds of music and that is a definite plus. During a couple of weeks I have had the luck to find some new sources of inspiration. It is an enjoyable mess, all together, but I'm sure there's something for almost everyone.

1. N.A.S.A.: Spirit of Apollo

Oh my. This album goes straight up to my all time top 5, and it doesn't even seem hard. 17 tracks out of which 17 are great! Top that! Great mixture of really talented featuring artists. The best example there is to give is Gifted with Kanye West, Lykke Li and Santigold. Others to mention on every track, but I'm going to settle with M.I.A., David Byrne and Tom Waits. Check out the videos as well (A Volta is excellent, even though so violent it's a bit over the top), many of them pure masterpieces.

Check out the official NASA here:

2. John Mayer: Say

I started to dig into the new album of John Mayer (haven't we all waited for that!?), Battle Studies. I like Who Says, especially the video. Digging, I found the somewhat older Say. I especially like the lyrics and the part
"Have no fear for giving in
Have no fear for giving over
You'd better know that in the end
It's better to say too much
Than never to say what you need to say again

Even if your hands are shaking
And your faith is broken
Even as the eyes are closing
Do it with a heart wide open

3. Melanie Fiona: Give it to me right

Here we have it all: the mood, the beat, the woman, the voice. I like the old style feeling, the smokiness, the sassy attitude. I feel like lighting a cigarette. Enjoy!

4. Bat for lashes: What's a girl to do

This is a bonus: It's all for the great video.

5. Venus: Beautiful Days

I heard this for the first time as part of the soundtrack of Hellsing. And I was mesmerized. There is a magic to the sound, it is undeniable.

Sunday, November 22, 2009


It always fascinates me - light.

Friday, November 20, 2009

In mood for Violet

I've got some good music coming (this week has been all about finding excellent beats and great sounds), but I'll have to save that for the next post.

The holiday season is coming up and that calls for some fancy clothing. I know, I am a natural-born shopper, but I also did feel like making the effort to dig into my grandmother's treasures and make something myself. Pics below. I hope my grandmother is approving my way of using her handmade lace. Well, it all went on smoothly so I guess her spirit didn't disagree too much at least.

Thanks grandma for the decoration!

Some say less is more, my mantra is "It's all in the detail".

I'll soon be back with some music!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

This is it

Tonight I was moved. To my soul, to the bone. I got the chills as I sat there. A feeling of intense movement within every inch of my soul. This is it. One man whose light was so bright that I am amazed if everybody couldn't see it. A soul so fragile, a mind so misunderstood.

Even through the screen it is showing so obviously well - a heart that is so filled with love that it oozes out.

For a moment I feel a bit sad. I´m not sure if the light can remain when the keeper doesn't? I just hope, hope that all that love, all that light has inspired others to find the light as well. A strength so great in such a fragile person. It is amazing.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Ain't it strange, life

Life. Ain't it strange.
All those hopes we're living on -
Carrying us from day to day.
When to move and when to whisper
When to wait, when to shout.
How to know what's going to be
How to see beforehand
Hurt coming.
Love and be loved.
It will hurt us all.
We will stumble, we will hold our heads high
We will fall.
When to stop and when to continue
When to go back.

How can we be right
when so many things can go wrong?
A fear of falling
keeps me from walking on the edge.
A fear of drowning
In my own tears.

And then again
It brings a smile to my face
Just thinking of the moments when
It all came together
As fingers cling

All in one moment.
It'll go on forever.

I grasped for so many things
So many words shouted,
So many thoughts whispered.
Some of them heard, others
Life. Ain't it strange.
Sometimes like shouting towards the sea.
Words will be scrambled
And at times I hear them whispered back
to me.
Or even more beautiful.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Quote of the day

To give pleasure to a single heart by a single act is better than a thousand heads bowing in prayer.
Gandhi, obviously.

Loving, unselfishly

Where do I start?

Do you know that warm, all conclusive feeling under your skin, around your heart and in your chest? That feeling of wanting to check if your skin glows from the light within? So that everybody around it can see? Yes, that is love. And just minutes ago I felt it strongly. Within seconds it filled my veins with a rushing feeling, almost like the feeling one gets from standing just a few inches away from the person whose hands one would like to feel on one's skin. Exhilarating, vibrating. I was shivering from the top of my head all the way down to my toes. Loving, unselfishly.

Love growing from the pure beauty of a soul speaking to another, from the amazing, yet invisible strings, that connect people to each other. From the magic of sharing thoughts, words, dreams. Yes, it doesn't take much to make love grow. Between ordinary things and ordinary days, it can be found in the shape of a golden seed, there to be spotted, if one looks carefully.

Who ever said that love, going in only one direction, would leave us miserable? Who ever it was, was wrong. Tonight I'm filled with a sensation of perfection. I feel satisfied, both in body and soul. From loving, unselfishly.

Love. What a beautiful force! And it's right there, within ourselves! Go on, waste it! Because the more you do, the greater it grows.

Saturday, November 7, 2009


Small pawprints in the snow, that is what my sweet little cat left behind her today, as the first snow covered a good piece of the landscape. She is not doing good and I worry she won't recover as fast as she should, making a little cat's life miserable.

I took a few shots of the first snow, as one is supposed to. Hope you like this one!